Synopsis for Despondency

I guess a few of us know I've been working on Despondency for a some months now. Well I'm done and I finished my synopsis which I would love to share here. Thoughts are welcomed.


SUSAN NWANKWO is a mother of one and she is desperately seeking to have another child. Her husband, AMANZE, seems to be contented with their only child, CHARLOTTE.
The family lives in peace despite the vacuum in Susan’s heart that is empty based on the absence of another child.

Susan’s friend ABIGAIL, who works under Susan is planning a wedding and decides to use Charlotte who is also her god daughter as the little bridal. Susan is a CEO in a Real Estate firm and even at that, she tries to couple her tasks including taking care of Charlotte and her husband who is also a CEO in his own company.

Amanze returns home late one night and when Susan asks why, he raises his voice at her which leaves Susan shocked because he never for once had done that before. He does not talk to her the next morning and she even apologizes for the previous night.

At work, Abigail tells Susan that she had seen Amanze in a restaurant the previous evening with a woman and that Amanze had kissed her. This causes Susan to be tensed, she cries and Abigail tries to console her.
Amanze returns home late again that night and when she asks him the reason, he tells her it was related to work. She wants to yell at him and tell him that she knows what is going on but she doesn’t. She goes into the bedroom with him and tries to arouse him, believing he probably wasn’t receiving enough love treatment from him which was a more reason he was looking outside, he becomes reluctant and tells her that he isn’t interested.

Susan tells Abigail that she wanted to be a good wife and that she didn’t want to lose her marriage. But her friend wants Susan to confront her husband so he would know that she is aware of his acts. Susan goes through her husband’s things and notices a bank teller receipt of a payment of Five Hundred Thousand Naira to a person named Tina. When Amanze returns home that night, they are both involved in a quarrel which begins with him asking why she had to go through his things and she asking him who Tina is. He slaps her and leaves the room angrily.
Susan finally confirms her husband is cheating when he answers late night calls and when he is over protective of his phone. Charlotte begins to notice this signs and she feels bad.

Susan visits NKECHI, her husband sister when the pain of the marriage becomes a burden. Nkechi claims she knows nothing and promises to talk to her brother.
Amanze goes from returning home late to not returning at all and he kept lying. While setting the table the next day, Susan goes through her husband’s phone and notices the conversation he had with Tina. When he sees her, he queries her for touching his phone and then he demands for it. Susan drops the phone in a jug of water causing him to beat her. Charlotte runs to him only to be pushed away and she crashes into a table.
Soon after Charlotte was treated, she becomes suicidal. Susan follows Amanze secretly to a restaurant where he was meeting with Tina and then she threatens her to stay away from her husband. Charlotte develops PTSD and her case is severe, she stops talking. Amanze brings divorce papers and asks Susan to sign them. The divorce hearing was to Susan’s disappointment as Amanze gets possession of Charlotte.

Susan and Abigail visits Tina in her apartment only to find her dead in her bathroom. Susan receives a text days later that frames her for the death of Tina.
Amanze confronts Nkechi, he tells her that she ruined his marriage when she introduced him to Tina even though she was trying to procure a solution of Susan’s barrenness. Amanze goes on to call Susan so they could patch things up and go back to building their home to which Susan declines. She tells him that meeting him was one of the mistakes she had made in her life.

Days later, Charlotte is missing which leaves both Susan and Amanze riding on a high wire of panic. Out of frustration, Amanze is involved in an accident which causes him to use a wheel chair for a short period of time and Susan is arrested for Tina’s murder. She calls her lawyer, BARRISTER JOSEPH and he begins to investigate in on the matter. Abigail ignores Susan phone calls and she received a package containing the sum of fifty billion naira some days after Susan’s arrest telling her to leave the state, which she does.

The trial and prosecution of Susan starts and witnesses spoke each one telling on how Susan had rained threats on Tina before her death. Susan is devastated, heartbroken and hopeless, she tried to explain to the jury that she indeed had threatened Tina but she wouldn’t kill anyone. Tina sister, Nkeiru shows up, she tells Joseph that she had received a text from her sister telling her that her employer was after her life. Nkeiru goes further to confront Nkechi because she knows the woman had been the person who employed her sister. She tells her that she would testify against her in the final hearing. Charlotte was found in the slums of Ajegunle. She and her father who is still using a wheel chair share a moment of love and pain.

Joseph and a policeman discover blood in Nkeiru’s apartment even though her body was not found. Nkeiru doesn’t show up for the final hearing and Susan is sentenced to twenty five years imprisonment.
When Charlotte hears the verdict, her PTSD went from bad to worse; she is taken to a mental facility to undergo treatment and rehabilitation for a long time.

Four months later, Abigail is troubled and then she decides to return back to Lagos. After meeting with Joseph and handing him a few evidences, she suspects that assassins were following her around. Abigail had actually killed Tina having been paid to do so, she claims she did it for her friend, not knowing that he bidder had another plan.
She visits Amanze at the mental facility where Charlotte was and she escapes a bullet from her assassins, Amanze didn’t and he died. Abigail testifies in the stipulated hearing and exposes the mastermind who happens to be Nkechi.

They are both arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor. Susan is discharged and acquitted, she concludes the epilogue, pouring out her heart break, telling the readers how she and her daughter had been despondent and how she had hope for a better future.


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