Are you submitting your work to the edit office? Good, shows  you are only a few paces from been published, although there are some steps to be retraced after a few lapses the editors might show you.
There are some tips I developed while going to an editor, that might sound helpful, because most editors can be terrible. Now before you keep reading I just want you to know that I am not telling you about what you are going to be needing in you work, I would only talk about what you have to do and what you don't have to do.

Below are some of this tips:


* You don't have to start looking over your work again and feeling nervous or anything of that sort. There are mistakes in your work, understand this.  Not all work of art is a hundred percent. And as a beginner there are sure to be lapses. So just keep calm and let the editors point  it out for you, some wouldn't though, they would just tear you apart.
*Have a rock or rocks. Not a stone! Something or someone that would definitely pull you out of a mental trauma that the bad reports might lead you to. I had three people pulling me out of mine, trust me it was helpful. Don't forget everything about your book is not a hundred percent amazing.
Clear your head my dear. if glancing at your work during this period will make you uncomfortable, 
don't glance at it. Zero your mind. Empty all the negatives.


*Be presentable, be polite and smile. Don't over do the last one, they would think you want to show of your new dental toothpaste and its whitening effects, or something of that sort. Most offices don't allow writers to be with editors while they read so make sure each concept and explanation is clearly stated in your work. But you could get lucky to be there.
*Don't get thrown off balance when you start seeing a negative look on the face. He/She might be having a stomach upset, but really don't let that look get to you. Yet! And please don't ask whats wrong or you would just get it dropped like a bomb. Let them do the talking first.
* After reading, you may be asked to explain your work or characters. Be clear, be concise, be simplistic and above all don't panic.
*Then the reports, its okay to get nervous, but don't make them see or feel it, most editorials may not give a feedback that same day, but all the same be calm.
* Allow them to say what they want. If its good enough to your hearing, just keep nodding and saying "thank-you's". Please don't nod too much your head might fall off or they would think you are becoming weird. And don't say thank-you at everything. Improvise. After that, you can probably tell them you have other works to submit in the future, then excuse yourself and go.
*But please when they start degrading your work. Don't yell or cry yet. Just listen. Let them point out your flaws and mistakes and say all they have in mind. But if they are talking too much, I'd rather you get up and leave, but then they are only doing their job as editors. Say a thank you and as Rihanna said take a bow. You can tell them you have other works to submit in the future, but if you are too angry just go. Retain your anger and don't crash anything on your way out.


*Think of what they had pointed out to you and make corrections. If you are too angry wait a while, maybe a day or two.

* Hold on to your rocks, if possible ask for advise, I made a mistake for snapping at mine and calling him blind or deaf. Don't do that.

* Go back to writing and dont let their words kill your spirit and writing morale.

These tips helped me they might help you too

I would like to say thank you to the three wonderful people who saw me through it all Liam H, Aaron F, and of course my good friend Cameron C.


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