Interview Corner!

This week we are revealing a passionate writer who tells all we need to know. It was funny talking to him and I hope he had enjoyed answering the question, so lets meet Carl
#Spoiler: He is in the military too

1. What is your name? 
Carl: Carl T. Ward 
2. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Carl: One day I was telling someone a story about something that happened to me and they said, “You should write a book”. Not only that, my main focus is on bringing awareness to certain things that are uncontrollable.
 3. What country are you from?
Carl: United States of America 
4. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? 
Carl: Originality. I try to take the negative aspects of today’s society and spin it into something positive. There are so many issues that have been forgotten and I use those issues to fuel the creative part of my mind to hopefully come up with a good product. 
5. How do books get published?
 Carl: There are a number of ways, but some are not for everyone. There are literary, agents which is the most widely recommended. You may also query publishers directly, or you could just self-publish you work if neither of those work

 6. How old were you when you wrote your first book? 
Carl: I was 35 when I started working on my book. 
7. What do you do when you are not writing? 
Carl: I’m in the military, so throughout the day I take care of my work related responsibilities. On weekends, I just try to relax as much as possible
 8. What does your family think of your writing? 
Carl: My family is excited about it. For the most part they have been very supportive of what I am trying to accomplish. However, this is not the case for every writer. In such a situation I can only recommend using that negative energy as motivation to exceed even your own expectations.
 9. How many books have you written and which is your favorite? 
Carl: So far, I have only completed the first part of the series. Book 2 is shaping up to be something special, but we’ll just have to wait and see
10. Do you hear from your readers, what do they say?
Carl:  Every once in a while I do. I’m not “big time”, so I am very humble and I let each reader know that I appreciate their input.
 11. What was one of the most surprising things you learned about creating books? 
Carl: That it is not easy as it looks. Putting words on paper is one thing, making your story mesh so that it sounds good and keeps the interest of the readers is another. I sent out dozens of copies of my manuscript to people; friends and strangers, and in most cases the strangers were more helpful than friends. 
12. Do you have any suggestions to help people become a better writer, if so what are they? 
Carl: Again, try to get as many readers as you can to give you their opinion of your work. Sometimes, you may not get a response back, but as the responses do come in, it will give you an idea of how your work is.

 13. What do you think makes a good story?
Carl: I think that there is no blueprint for what a good story is. Just like in music, everyone has their own taste. The thing about us as writers, we have the unique ability to make up a story out of thin air. So a good story is any story that you put enough of your heart into to turn it into words. 
14. Can you tell us most of your works and a three to four lines of what it talks about?
Carl:  My main stories are about a group of Hybrid Humans that have to adapt to the new conditions of the earth following a series of man-made catastrophes. However, they run into issues when they find that the reshaping of the planet has also awakened a race of flesh eating savages, and now they have to fight to survive. Basically, it is a story of hope for those who suffer from incurable ailments.

And quite a beautiful daughter you have there Carl.
Thank you Carl for finding time to answer. More ideas coming your way.


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