Writing a book

People say writing a book takes time and its stressful. Well, the simple truth remains, it is not especially to those who have the passion for writing. Now what you don't know about these authors is that, they sit down, to think. they capitalize angles and then guess what happens? They create their own world. In this world, they fix their characters.
Some people tend to misunderstand writers and their works well, the funny thing is they write what comes to their mind. Its their perspective, all they write is from their heart. Its what they conjure in their mind they pass out. Just like the computer, you give in and it gives out. Its just like that.
Now concluding this post, everyone is a born writer, you may say nah! But that's the truth, like writing a composition when you were in high school, you did that once right? Or forming a story, or even telling a story or narrating an ordeal or happening. Aside from the fact that they are been spoken, imagine when they are written. You've created a writing there. So don't sit there, there is a world for you to create.


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